Rabu, 13 Juli 2011

3 race in rf online

RF Online is an epic mix of traditional fantasy MMOG mixed with unique futuristic sci-fi action to bring an entirely new and original take on the existing MMORPG genre. Set in a deep space galaxy known as Novus, take your pick from three all-powerful warring factions leading your character into the final battle for total control over the entire Novus galaxy. Choose from either the Bellato Union, taking control of individual robot battle units like never seen before within any MMOG, Holy Alliance Cora, the mystical and fantasy orientated race utilising the power of magic and finally the mighty Accretia Empire, a futuristic alien race intent on spreading destruction across the entire sector with their advanced weaponry systems.

The Accretian Empire follows a totalitarian regime where goals are for the Empire, a thought that is embraced by its followers. There is no feeling when it comes to the destruction of other races and for good reason, for the Accretia are a race of mechanised units with a materialistic thinking. The Accretia are proud to be the strongest and most formidable race in the galaxy, and are proud of the huge weapons they have created to kill men, women and all things living. Their need to expand to the further reaches of the universe to become even stronger is paramount and a key driving force to their being. This has inevitably led them to the Planet Novus and the arcane civilizations it plays home to.
The Holy Alliance Cora is a spiritual civilisation with a firm belief in religion and the magical arts. Though the history of the Cora has been built on religious wars, which has created multiple states and nations, the country is strongly unified through its core religious beliefs. The Cora people, united as the Holy Alliance, now battle for their survival using the magical powers drawn from their spiritual beliefs, and traditional weapons blessed by their god, Decem.
The Bellato Union utilize machines and some magic in their culture. Renowned for their great mechanical minds, intelligence and hand-eye coordination, the Bellato can construct huge armoured battle mechs and weapons to use in the war. Though they are physically strong and intelligent, the huge gravitational energies from their home planet have left the Bellato with smaller builds. The Bellato are experienced traders and their financial minds and greed have driven the need to extend out to other planets, to colonize and claim resource. To expand to the rest of the universe, the Bellato have to ensure that the Novus Sector doesn't fall under the supremacy of the Accretia or Cora. This desire to expand and grow will no doubt leave the galaxy engulfed in turmoil and chaos.

potions in RF online

Instead of resting or healing classes (some do exist), restoring lost HP, FP, and SP in RF Online is primarilly done through the use of potions. Potions are the lifeblood of RF Online and using the best potions available to you can be the difference between life and death. Note: 4000 and 5000 +HP potions do exist in the game - their purchase locations (if they can be purchased) will be revealed in time.

Potion StrengthPurchase Location
+100 HPHQ
+250 HPHQ, Outpost
+500 HPOutpost
+1000 HPSettlement (Haram, Solus, etc.)
+2000 HPSettlement (Haram, Solus, etc.)
+3000 HPEther

Potion StrengthPurchase Location
+50 FPHQ
+125 FPHQ, Outpost
+250 FPOutpost
+500 FPSettlement (Haram, Solus, etc.)
+1500 FPEther

Potion StrengthPurchase Location
+100 SPHQ
+200 SPHQ, Outpost
+400 SPOutpost, Settlement, Ether

RF online control

Interface and Menus

CReveals or hides character info window
IReveals or hides inventory window
MReveals or hides map window
RReveals or hides radar window
PReveals or hides group window
GReveals or hides guild window
BReveals or hides buddy list
OReveals or hides system options window
SReveals or hides skill PT window (point-click movement mode only)
FReveals or hides force PT window
UReveals or hides Animus window (Cora characters only)
JReveals or hides quest journal
CTRL + TReveals or hides advanced chat options
ALT + HReveals or hides the entire user interface and any opened windows

Point-Click Movement

HToggles between point-click movement mode and WASD movement modes
Left clickMoves character to selected location
WToggles between run and walk modes
AToggles between peace and attack modes
ALT + 0Takes a screenshot

WASD Movement

HToggles between point-click movement mode and WASD movement modes
WMoves the character forwards
SMoves the character backwards
AStrafes the character left
DStrafes the character right
QTurns the character to the left
ETurns the character to the right
VCauses the character to jump
NToggles between run and walk modes
;Toggles between peace and attack modes
PrintScreenTakes a screenshot


Rolling the scroll wheelZooms in or out
Clicking the scroll wheelRotates the camera 180 degrees
Clicking the scroll wheel while holding right clickImmediately moves the character 180 degrees
Moving mouse while holding right clickManually moves the camera around
KToggles camera mode between bird's eye view and normal view

Combat, Hotkeys, and Hotbars

ZToggles between auto-attack and manual-attack modes
SpacebarAuto-attack mode: Turns auto attacking on or off
Manual-attack mode: Attacks target once
No enemy targetted: Automatically picks up nearby loot and items
XAutomatically picks up nearby loot and items
ALTDisplays the names of nearby loot and items
Function keys (F1, F2, etc.)Activates the corresponding hotkey number
\Toggles hotkeys between function key mode and number mode
TabCycles to the next hotbar
ALT + <num>Cycles to a specific hotbar, where <num> is the hotbar number


Left clicking on an ally or enemyMakes the ally or enemy the current target
ESCClears the current target
CTRL + <num>Saves the current target into the specified memory bank
<num>Recalls the target stored in the specified memory bank (if in number-hotkey-mode, use function keys instead)


ENTERReveals the textbox or sends the current message/command
ESCClears and hides the textbox
/Map <text> (in the textbox)Sends the message, <text>, to all allies in the current area (command is case-senstive!)
/<character name> <text> (in the textbox)Sends the message, <text>, to the character named <character name> (command is case-senstive!)


CTRL + left click (on an ally)Displays the ally option menu (invite to group, invite to guild, trade, or follow)
CTRL + right click (on an ally)Opens a trade window with the selected ally
CTRL + left click (on an item)Automatically equips the selected item, if possible
SHIFT + left click (on an item)Automatically moves the selected item into the trade window
ALT + QImmediately exits the game

battle dungeon RF online

Battle dungeons are small timed instance areas, but are unfortunately not worth their price tag at the moment. Battle dungeons come in two flavors: solo and group, both costing around 200,000 of your race's currency of choice. Both battle dungeon versions can be purchased from the Sundries merchant in each race's HQ.

To activate a battle dungeon, simply use it from your inventory. A gateway will open up and players can enter the battle dungeon by double clicking on the portal.

The solo battle dungeon, despite its name, allows for a group of players to enter. Each 'platform' of the battle dungeon holds high quantities of tightly packed level 20-25 monsters, none of which drop any loot. The goal of the solo battle dungeon is to kill 100 of the monsters in 5 minutes. The quest says "kill herodians", but all of the monsters in the battle dungeon count towards your total. Any character that can launch area of effect (AE) attacks will be of extreme use in this dungeon.

The group battle dungeon appears to be broken at the time of this writing (no reward given upon completion). The goal is to find and kill a Mater Brutal somewhere in the dungeon. The location of the monster is random and the huge clusters of low level monsters are still there to make it interesting. The Mater Brutal is a level 25-ish pitboss. It doesn't hit very hard at all, but has a ton of HP. Make sure to bring some high DPS characters with you, as this dungeon also has a five minute timer.

The reward for completing a battle dungeon is 10,000 currency to each group member that survives. With some quick math, you can see that, while fun, battle dungeons are currently not worth the reward. Due to the tight clustering of the monsters, you probably need to be lvl 30+ to actually complete the battle dungeons, but at that point, the monsters unfortunately do not give any experience. Battle dungeons, if not for the high cost, could be a good way to level shield PT for a mid 20's character. Perhaps the rewards will be bumped up in a future patch...

PvP system

PvP in RF Online is focused upon the 3-way race war between the Accretia, Cora, and Bellato (also called RvRvR). Players of the same race are automatically allied with one another and cannot attack one another. Players of opposing races are always considered enemies, no matter if informal truces have been established or not.

RF Online PvP is designed to be team based. This ideal is only reinforced by RF Online's potion/healing system - it is nearly impossible to outdamage an opponent's self healing abilities in a 1v1 skirmish. Because of this, players are heavilly encouraged by the game mechanics to group together and work as a team in RvRvR situations.

PvP Reward System

Upon killing race enemies, players receive "contribution points" (CP). Consequently, players lose these points upon dying at the hand of race enemies. The amount of contribution points gained or lost depends upon the level of the enemy being killed or the enemy doing the killing. Participating in a victorious Mine War (more on this below) or completing quests are other ways to acquire contribution points. Note that contribution points will decay if a character does not participate in PvP activities for a long period of time. Contribution points can also be exchanged for money at the Race Manager.

Action TakenContribution Point Adjustment
Killing an enemy that is 5 or more levels lower than yourselfRoughly 1-100 contribution points
Killing an enemy that is within 5 levels of yourselfRoughly 300 contribution points
Killing an enemy that is 5 or more levels higher than yourselfRoughly 500-1,000 contribution points
Participating in a victorious Mine War5,000 contribution points

As contribution points are accumulated, players will climb the CP ladder for their race. The player with the most contribution points within each race is known as the "race leader" and has several special priveleges: the ability to broadcast messages to the entire race, the ability to converse with the opposing race leaders, the ability to call a race-wide poll, customized armor, and a special aura to alert others of his/her race standing.

The following four runners-up are sub-leaders of the race. Their special priveleges include: the ability to broadcast messages to the entire race, customized armor, and a special aura similar to that of the race leader. As one can probably imagine, competition over these five slots can be fierce.

A player's rank within their race depends not only upon their own contribution points, but upon the contribution points of their allies. For example, to reach the next highest rank within your race, you not only need to gain contribution points, but you also need to displace your allies by surpassing their contribution point total. Players are automatically promoted or demoted depending upon their contribution point totals ingame. A list of each race's ranking system is below:

Rank LevelAccretia Rank NameCora Rank NameBellato Rank Name
Rank 0HastatiOne KnotSingles
Rank 1PrincipeTwo KnotDoubles
Rank 2TriariiThree KnotMinor
Rank 3CenturionFour KnotMajor
Rank 4ManipelFive KnotCaters
Rank 5PhalanxSix KnotRoyal
Rank 6CohortSeven KnotConques
Rank 7LegionEight KnotMaximus

Mine Wars (AKA Chip Wars)

Mass-scale battles are fought over the central crag mines on an 8-hour rotation schedule. In the US Beta, a Chip War starts at 3AM, 11AM, and 7PM EST every day. At the beginning of each 8-hour cycle, each race has a "chip" created for them. The main objective of the Chip War is to destroy the enemy's chips while defending your own. Each chip, while having a massive amount of HP, cannot be repaired once damaged.

Battle continues in the mines until a chip is stolen from its control center or 3 hours pass with no victor. The victorious race is granted access to the central mines for the remainder of the 8-hour cycle to extract precious ore, increasing both personal and race-wide wealth. Other races are prevented from entering the central mines during this time by a large guardian, which instantaneously kills those that approach.

Future Plans for RF Online PvP

While the future of RF Online is always subject to change, here are some of the things "on the drawing board"...

- Guild wars between guilds of the same race
- Battles over control of towns, cities, and fortresses
- Battles over control of planets and stars for natural resources

FAQ RFonline

What is RF Online?
RF Online is a sci-fi MMORPG with a heavy focus on PvP. There are three races: Accretia, Cora, and Bellato - all of which are at war with one another.

What does RF in the title mean?
RF stands for Rising Force so the full title of the game would be Rising Force Online. However the game is being commonly known as RF Online or RFO for short.

How many characters can I create per server?
In the US version, players can create 3 characters per server. Whether all 3 must be of the same race is yet to be seen.

Where do I get equipment?
Equipment level 1-30 can be bought from stores. Equipment that is level 31+ you either obtain from crafting or from monster loot.

How can I form a party in RF Online?
Ctrl + Left Click on the person you wish to party with.

What is the highest level you can reach in the game ?
The game's current cap is 50 - but it may change in future updates.

Can we form guilds in game?
Yes, groups of people from the same race only can form guilds. Guild creation requires eight level 30+ characters and costs a significant amount of money.

How is loot awarded?
The party or group that deals the most damage is awarded the monster's loot.

How does leveling and experience work?
Players gain experience every time they hit a monster and receive an experience bonus upon killing it. In addition to levels, most skills/spells you use are on a level system. This is referred to as PT, and it is used for item requirements as well. To raise a weapon PT, just fight with it. Skills work the same way, gaining PT on each use.

What are the restrictions on equipping items?
All classes can potentially use all equipment. There is no "warrior only" or "spiritualist only" equipment. However, equipment does have level and PT requirements. For example, a piece of armor may have a level requirement of 27 and a Force PT requirement of 16.

How does healing work in RF Online?
There are very few healing classes in RF Online - some races have no healers at all. Instead, all players can use potions to restore their health instantly and by significant amounts. Potions, since they are guzzled down by players at high rates, can end up being very costly.

What are the different camera angles available?
There is the standard 3rd-person camera angle and a bird's eye camera angle that is similar to that of strategy games. Press "K" to alternate between them.

What's something unique about each race?
Accretia - Rocket Launchers
Cora - Summoning Animus
Bellato - Piloting Maus

Can races ally with one another?
Players from different races can form informal alliances or be friendly with one another, but there is no game ability to officially do so.

What are Specialists?
In many cases, Specialists are another name for 'crafter'. However, Specialists have many other abilities, such as reviving fallen comrades, building defensive gun turrets, and piloting Maus (Bellato only).

What are Pitbosses?
Pitbosses are some of the tougher PvE opponents in RFOnline and, as expected, drop very impressive loot.

What incentive is there to PvP?
There are no direct XP benefits to winning in PvP and there are likewise no XP or item loss penalties associated with losing. However, players gain and lose 'fame' upon killing one another which serves as a PvP ranking system - think Realm Points in DAOC, only they can fluctuate. Players also gain money and skill PT upon fighting and killing race enemies.

Where can I PvP?
Except for each race's headquarters and surrounding newbie areas, just about every area in RF Online is open for PvP - always be on your guard!

Is PvP very group oriented?
Yes, extremely so. Players are relatively hard to kill in RF Online, mainly because of the potion system. Teamwork is essential in taking down enemies quickly.

What about 1v1?
It is very difficult to outdamage another player's healing potions by oneself. 1v1 battles usually boil down to who runs out of potions first or who misses hitting a potion.

Is there a way to broadcast messages to your entire race?
The top 5 players of your race ladder (players with the most fame) can broadcast messages to the entire race. They can also call votes that bring up a small voting window on all race members' screens. These "race leaders" also have a special aura around them to make them easilly identifiable.

What are the chip wars and what is the mine that the races war over?
The Chip War is a continuous RvRvR battle - the goal is to destroy the enemy's chip while defending your own. The last race standing (chip intact) gets bonus fame points and gains exclusive access to the central mine for a particular amount of time. The central mine is rich in ore, so control of it heavilly impacts your race's money supply.

What is the ore used for?
Ore can be sold or refined into crafting materials.

What are talics?
Talics are basically rare ores used for upgrading weapons and armor - kind of like slotted items in Diablo 2.

rf online map [sette,HQ,cragmine]

The Sette Desert is a small neutral area which all races have equal access to - expect to see race enemies if you venture here. Monsters in the Sette Desert are varied and range from levels 15 up to 40.

Monster ImageMonster NameLevelResistancesCoordinates
Click to viewBulky Lunker25
Click to viewGhost27
Click to viewGrumble Hook29

The Accretia Main Base is the initial hunting grounds for Accretians between the levels of 1 and 25. Other races cannot enter this area.

Monster ImageMonster NameLevelResistancesCoordinates
Click to viewYoung Flem1
Click to viewFlem3
Click to viewDeser Klan4
Click to viewHeavy Wing5
Click to viewMahr6
Click to viewAdult Stinkbug7
Click to viewKlan8
Click to viewSplinter Brat8
Click to viewHost Mahr9
Click to viewRatmoth10
Click to viewSplinter11
Click to viewSnatcher Cheat13
Click to viewNeo Warbeast14
Click to viewBoklan14
N-7, R-7
Click to viewBlock Lunker15
N-6, R-7
Click to viewArgholquich19
Click to viewCannibal19
M-7, T-9
Click to viewLapis21
N-14, Q-12
Click to viewSnatcher Hurl22
Click to viewGaff24
N-14, Q-12
Click to viewCrawler Bunch25
F-13, P-17, T-7
Click to viewGrumble25
Click to viewLizard25
Click to viewOps Lava26
Click to viewGaff Tail27
Click to viewGhost27
O-18, T-16
Click to viewGrumble Hook29
M-17, T-7
Click to viewRatmoth Guard35
Click to viewArghol Guard35
Click to viewFrenzy Ratmoth (Pitboss)41
Click to viewArghol Drone (Pitboss)43

The Cora Main Base is the initial hunting grounds for Cora characters between the levels of 1 and 25. Other races cannot enter this area.

Monster ImageMonster NameLevelResistancesCoordinates
Click to viewYoung Flem1
P-13, T-10
Click to viewWing2
P-14, S-9
Click to viewFlem3
O-14, S-8
Click to viewDeser Klan4
Click to viewStinkbug4
Click to viewMahr6
Click to viewAdult Stinkbug7
Click to viewSplinter Brat8
Click to viewHost Mahr9
Click to viewLunker10
Click to viewRatmoth10
Click to viewWarbeast11
Click to viewSplinter12
Click to viewBoklan14
Click to viewBlock Lunker15
Click to viewArghol16
Click to viewBig Ratmoth17
Click to viewVafer Nipper17
Click to viewArgholquich19
Click to viewCannibal19
Click to viewBulky Lunker21
I-16, L-8
Click to viewLava22
Click to viewSnatcher Hurl22
K-17, O-19
Click to viewTweezer23
K-17, O-19
Click to viewGrumble25
Click to viewLizard25
L-7, L-10
Click to viewVafer Ruder25
Click to viewOps Lava26
Click to viewRigor Lapis27
F-17, K-17, R-17, J-13
Click to viewGrumble Hook29
Click to viewKing Tweezer29
Click to viewSplinter Guard35
Click to viewSplinter Rex (Pitboss)40

The Bellato Main Base is the initial hunting grounds for Bellato characters between the levels of 1 and 25. Other races cannot enter this area.

Monster ImageMonster NameLevelResistancesCoordinates
Click to viewYoung Flem1
Click to viewWing2
F-8, G-6
Click to viewFlem3
F-10, G-6
Click to viewStinkbug4
F-10, H-7
Click to viewFlem Guard5
Click to viewHeavy Wing5
Click to viewDemolis6
Click to viewKlan8
Click to viewSplinter Brat8
Click to viewRatmoth10
Click to viewSplinter11
Click to viewSnatcher Cheat13
Click to viewNeo Warbeast14
Click to viewArghol16
Click to viewBig Ratmoth17
J-13, Q-3
Click to viewVafer Nipper17
Click to viewArgholquich19
Click to viewLapis21
Click to viewLava22
Click to viewGaff24
Click to viewBulky Lunker25
K-4, P-5
Click to viewCrawler Bunch25
P-17, R-12
Click to viewGrumble25
M-16, R-12
Click to viewVafer Ruder25
J-17, M-16, R-17, J-13
Click to viewGaff Tail27
Click to viewGhost27
F-17, R-17
Click to viewRigor Lapis27
Click to viewGrumble Hook29
F-17, K-17
Click to viewSplinter Guard35
Click to viewSplinter Rex (Pitboss)40

The Crag Mine Field is the home of RF Online's massive chip wars. Players can mine for precious ore at just about any location in the Crag Mines, however, if their race is the winner of the most recent chip war, they have exclusive access to the center of the Crag Mines where ore is much more plentiful.

Monster ImageMonster NameLevelResistancesCoordinates
Click to viewLittle Lazhuwardian21
Click to viewLazhuwardian Warrior32
Click to viewSpell Lazhuwardian32
No ImageAccretia Control Center (ACC)N/A
No ImageBellato Control Center (BCC)N/A
No ImageCora Control Center (CCC)N/A